Struggling with postpartum depression and/or anxiety means you need quick solutions to boost your mood. These natural mood boosters for mamas could help you start feeling better today, even if you struggle with postpartum depression or anxiety.
If you are sitting in the pit of postpartum depression and/or anxiety, healing can feel impossible. How do you even take a step forward through the fog and fear? These natural mood boosters for mamas could help you start feeling better today, even if you struggle with postpartum depression or anxiety.
In my darkest hours, I couldn’t even manage to get off the couch. I felt so burdened by my struggles that I didn’t want to get dressed or take care of myself in any way. I did what I needed to do for the kids to be fed and happy even though I wasn’t fed and happy. When I finally admitted to myself that things were really bad, I knew I needed some action steps. It took months to get in to see a counselor. I had a lot of time that I needed to figure out how to boost my mood enough to get by before seeing the professionals.
If you’re on a waiting list to see a professional or just need some simple action steps to take today, I hope these natural mood boosters will be just what you need.
Sunlight is a Natural Mood Booster
Going outside each day is one of the top ways you can boost your mood. I’ve said it many times before, but getting sunlight on your skin boosts vitamins you need and will make you feel better. When we struggle with depression or anxiety, we are lower in serotonin. Sunshine can give you the serotonin boost you may need to feel better.
Bringing your kids outside with you is even better. It’s like a built in break many times. They entertain themselves with the nature around them, and you get to enjoy your hot coffee (or whatever your thang is). Plus, it will improve everyone’s sleep cycles. We all need that when little ones are around!
Going outside after breakfast has recently become our morning routine. It has helped me and the kids so much. I might start the day feeling down, or the kids might be acting extra rowdy, but when we go outside they don’t seem quite so loud and my mood improves. My kids are mostly at ages where they sleep now (my youngest is two). The youngest two are known to wake before 5:15 a.m. Since we have started making outside time a priority, I have been delighted for them to be sleeping an hour and a half more than before.
Cuddle Your Kids to Boost Your Mood
Snuggling with your little ones is easy when they are babies. As they get older, giving and receiving hugs and cuddles can be a lot more tricky! My kids range in age from 11 all the way down to 2. My 2 year old wants a lot more hugs than my 11 year old, but they both need it! I forget that I need it too.
Don’t get me wrong, I have days where I’m still “touched out.” When I feel that way, I try to take deep breaths and remind myself to slow down and be in the moment. Giving hugs and cuddles helps us feel safe and lessens our fight-or-flight response when something stressful does come up. Gather your kiddos around and enjoy the snuggles while they’re still in your home to give them.
Laughing Boosts Your Mood
One of my favorite things to see on social media is videos of babies laughing. I can’t help but smile and laugh with them! And, of course, laughing with my kids is the best feeling in the world.
The benefits of laughter are many. It increases endorphins, helps you feel relaxed, and relieves stress. Those are just the short term benefits! Long term, laughing can boost your immune system, reduce pain, and help you cope with life. Of course, laughing with someone increases connection, too. You will feel so much better if you make laughter a normal part of your life!
Here’s my favorite thing to laugh at:
Music and Dancing Boosts Your Mood
Music can boost your mood immediately. If you don’t know how to move forward through postpartum depression and anxiety, turning on some music is one of the easiest ways to change your outlook. Along with all the physical benefits of listening to or playing music, your brain processes music as a reward. Music also can reduce feelings of loneliness and promote social bonding. This can happen through a “phantom” bonding with the person singing or playing. Have you ever felt so connected to the lyrics of a song that you felt like the singer must know you? That kind of “bonding,” even though it’s not real, per se, sends signals to our brains to soothe the loneliness. And, of course, when we are with other people and enjoying music together, it helps us feel a sense of camaraderie with them.
My favorite mood boost from music? Nostalgia. Especially now that I’m not as young a spring chicken as I’d like to think, turning on my favorite music from the early 2000’s (Relient K anyone?) makes me feel like the young carefree soul I was back then in an instant. I can listen to songs from my husband and I’d wedding and smile from the fond memories of being a newlywed and having that fresh love feeling. And then in the next song I can listen to a song from the birth of one of my children and be transported back to the deep connection I had with the Lord on that day.
No matter what natural mood boosters for mamas you choose, I hope you can see that there are many ways you can move forward in your journey through postpartum depression or whatever mental roadblocks you may face.
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