I asked myself many times was it worth the wait? Turns out, God has perfect timing, even when it comes to blooms on a tree.

I Thought it Had Died
I waited over 3 years for my tree to bloom. Many times, I thought it had died. The leaves fell off, the bark started to shrivel. I almost threw it out. But then a small green morsel would appear and offer hope again, and I would hope again that the beautiful blooms would adorn my tree at last. I wondered if I should get some fertiliser or treatment of some kind, but being the dead thumbed plant mama I am, I didn’t get around to it. So long I waited, and then 2020 happened.
Pandemic. Canceled trips and lives for weeks on end. Panic and fear so thick in the atmosphere you could cut through the air. Shelves in the grocery stores empty from panic buying. People missing weddings, funerals, ceremonies, celebrations, and school. People missing hugs, friends, community, stability, and life as it once was. Many of these things have continued on into 2021 with no clue as to when the end will be. Division over personal choices and freedoms, division over politics, a lack of peace and a world that seems to be forgetting what’s really important in this life. This virus has taken many things from us.
This pandemic has changed our lives. But God, in His infinite mercy, still shows us that He loves us:
In the way our kids faces light up when they see us across the room.
In the way that fresh air and outside isn’t cancelled.
In the way that the birds sing and the sun sets and the ocean provides instant stress relief.
And for me, my friends, 2020 was the year–The year my frangipani tree decided to share its blooms at long last.
Was it Worth the Wait?
I waited over 3 years for my tree to bloom, and God knew that I would need the beauty it would provide at such a time as this. All summer (November-February) I have enjoyed bloom after bloom arriving with the same beauty as the last. I have smelled them, put some in my hair, and taken way too many photos of them. I am absolutely delighted, and knowing that God’s timing was just so perfect makes my heart fill with warmth and love.
Lord, thank You for the gift of these blooms. May I always remember the impact of Your perfect timing. May I always remember the delight You have for me and the kindness You show us each and every day. Amen.
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